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En junio, el CBOE sigui su ejemplo. 8221 Anlisis de tendencias grficas Una vez que un chico me recomend un sistema llamado Anlisis de tendencias grficas que me obliga a buscar visualmente una tendencia, en los grficos de gestin de dinero de comercio binario. Atrayente porque no lo retiene. 7 billion from euros 5. ) , , 187 183 176 176 8224 8224 , bestforexrobots. org (BBC News Review) As Seen on CNN, Forex News, CNBC Money: Compare the Top 9 Robots, Real Time Results bestforexrobots. org The Canadian dollar had a quiet week, posting slight losses. USDCAD closed the week at 1.2167. This week8217s major highlight is GDP. Here is an outlook on the major market-movers and an updated technical analysis for USDCAD. In the US, there was some good news on the housing front, with existing home sales beating expectations. However, New Home Sales failed to keep pace and Durable Goods Orders were a mixed bag. In Canada, Wholesale Sales disappointed with a second straight decline. Relacionados: Recibir Compra Venta Precisa Precio de Entrada Diario USDCAD daily chart with support and resistance lines on it. Click to enlarge: BOC Governor Stephen Poloz Speaks: Tuesday, 12:45. Poloz will testify before the House of Commons Standing Committee in Ottawa. Analysts will be looking for clues as to the BOC8217s future monetary policy. RMPI: Wednesday, 12:30. This index measures inflation in the manufacturing sector. In the February reading, the indicator bounced back from a string of negative readings, posting a sharp gain of 6.1. This beat the estimate of 5.1. The markets are expecting another decline in the March report, with an estimate of -1.8. GDP: Thursday, 12:30. GDP is one of the most important economic indicators, and an unexpected reading can have an immediate effect the direction of USDCAD. The indicator has struggled, posting two contractions in the past three readings. The February reading came in at -0.1, shy of the forecast of 0.2. The estimate for the March reading stands at -0.2. BOC Governor Stephen Poloz Speaks: Thursday, 14:30. Poloz will testify before the Senate Finance Committee in Ottawa. Remarks which are more hawkish than expected are bullish for the Canadian dollar. USDCAD opened the week at 1.2212 and touched a high of 1.2305. The pair then reversed directions and dropped to a low 1.2102, testing support at 1.2114 (discussed last week). USDCAD closed the week at 1.2167. Live chart of USDCAD: Technical lines, from top to bottom We start with resistance at 1.2624. 1.2541 remains a strong resistance line. 1.2387 held steady as the pair showed some strength during the week before retracting. 1.2230 was tested during the week and is currently an immediate resistance line. 1.2114 is the first line of support. This line was tested during the week and could see further action early in the week. 1.1995 is providing strong support just shy of the symbolic 1.20 line. 1.1872 was a key resistance line in February 2007. 1.1731 is the final support line for now. It has held firm since early January. I am neutral on USDCAD The Canadian dollar remains close to 3-month highs, as the currency has benefitted some weak US numbers in the past few weeks. With a US rate hike apparently on hold, the Canadian dollar could remain steady, unless GDP is unexpectedly weak. In our latest podcast we take a deep dive into the various euro-zone issues, a look at China and a new trading education initiative Sobre nosotros Somos un grupo de comerciantes altamente apasionados y nos encanta compartir nuestro contenido como nuestra forma de devolver. Estas son una coleccin de las estrategias ms poderosas disponibles y lo estamos regalando sin costo alguno. Por favor tome tiempo para visitarnos todos los das para revisar cada video. Y suscribirse a nuestro boletn de noticias para descargar las plantillas de comercio impresionante que estamos regalando. Muchas gracias por ser nuestro visitante del sitio y por favor sea activo en sus comentarios en los videos para ayudarnos a mejorar an ms. ltimas 8230 Indicador MT4 de la nube de la divisa - indicador MT4 libre t. coHQ7rrMWL8P Indicador MT0 de Heiken Ashi Smoothed t. coV4ahJU2fdL Indicador MT4 de la nube Forex - Indicador MT4 gratuito t. co2Ssd1VlBW5 Forex Channel MT4 Indicator - Indicador MT4 gratuito t. cofW6AQWtzSB At the time S amp P500 is trading at dizzying heights. However, the average rate on dividends is lower than 2 despite the fact that the long-term average - a 4.4 - based on AForex. Jeremy Schwartz of WisdomTree Investments believes that the main reason for non-compliance of price growth and dividend growth lies in the fact that most of its profit companies spend baybeki - repurchase of its own shares. Schwartz suggests that investors pay attention to the company and the sector in which baybeki run parallel with the growth of payments to shareholders. Should pay attention to stocks that have not yet had time to grow strongly, but dividend payments while uvelchivayutsya. For example, in the energy and telecom quotes rose, and payments increased. A segment of technology and retail dividend payments increased, but rates have not yet. Last - good buy - says Schwartz. Historically always been the case: the company paid a premium in the form of higher dividend payments, if asset prices were rising. Today all of this quotclassicquot does not work anymore. A striking example - Apple and Microsoft. Apple pays a 1.9 dividend, and Microsoft - 2.43, which does not correlate with their market dynamics. Postal Company-Best quotdividendoplatelschikovraquo - S amp P 500 Dividend Aristocrats index (companies that have increased dividends to shareholders every year of the last 25 years) paid 14 over the past 12 months. With the opinion of Schwartz and his logic agree, not all market experts. Thus, many experts hold bullish positioning in securities of energy sectors. Forecast to Morningstar, energy companies the United States should increase the dividend by 5 in the coming years. Puntos de vista. 131 Added by. mik Clasificacin. 0.0 0 EVERYONE NEED FOREX TO BUY JEWELLERY Everyone wants to know about gold but some special person is want to know about gold but as well as silver. Here we discussed and comparison between gold and silver which are as follows: Silver and gold are the most famous metals, especially between women. They are the masters of every ladys jewellery. But, have you ever asked yourself why these two metals are that much important and more expensive than many other types of metals What are the main features of each one Is gold or silver has the properties that you are looking for in a metal The purpose of this essay is to compare and contrast two types of metals (Silver and Gold) in order to clarify their properties for students and those who work in related jobs, or even to add something useful to your knowledge. The features that will be compared include type of metal, symbol, atomic number, atomic weight, conductivity and uses. There are many shared features between silver and gold that make them similar in many ways. First, both of them are of the same type of metal. Silver is a precious metal, and gold is too. Second, silver and gold were discovered in the same period of history. That was in pre-historical time. Then, another similarity between gold and silver is their atomic radius. Silver has the same atomic radius as gold. It is 1.34. Furthermore, they are also similar in their melting point. Both silver and gold melts at the point around 1000 C. Next, the conductivity properties of silver are the same as those of gold. Silvers electrical and thermal conductivity are as good as golds. Finally, the use is the last similarity between the two types of metals. Silvers and gold are used to make jewelry in plating, due to their flexibility. If we contrast silver with gold we can notice some differnces. The symbol of each metal is the first difference between silver and gold. While the symbol of silver is Ag, the symbol of gold is Au. Secondly, the atomic number of each metal is different. Silver has an atomic number of 47. In contrast, gold has an atomic number of 79. Moreover, the atomic weight of silver is not the same as golds. While the atomic weight of silver is 107.87 gm, gold weighs 169.97gm. When it comes to the specific gravity, silver and gold are different. Silver has a specific gravity of 10.5. However, gold has a specific gravity of 19.3. At last, they differ in their boiling point. Silver boils at the point 2212 C. Unlike silver, gold boils at the point 2966 C. In this essay we compared two types of metals: Silver and Gold. We compared some of their features such as discovery, atomic radius, specific gravity, melting and boiling points. The comparison shows that both metals have a good ability to conduct electricity and thermal. Also, they could be plated in order to make and design jewelry. Although silver and gold are very similar, they show some differences that make each one special with its features. What I advice you to do is to list the similarities and differences between the two types of metals in your mind, and pick up the metal that matches with what you need or what you are looking for. Wednesday, September 9, 2009 Handmade jewelry is jewelry which has been assembled and formed by hand rather than through the use of machines. According to the guidelines of the FTC, in order to be stamped or called handmade the work must be made solely by hand power or hand guidance. In essence, this means that jewelry may be made using drills, lathes, or other machinery, but it must be guided by human hand. This precludes the use of punch presses, CNC machinery and casting to name a few processes that would not qualify as handmade. Beyond that caveat it can be anything made out of anything that would be considered jewelry. The American Gem Trade Association Spectrum awards. the Gem Center Idar Oberstein, and the De Beers Awards include awards specifically for handmade jewelry. Although there is much mass produced jewelry in the world, there are many people who prefer to have work that is hand-crafted by a real artisan, and the arena of hand made jewelry and other items will likely remain healthy because of that fact. Much jewelry that is marked or sold as hand made often is not truly so, though it may be essentially so. (source: wikipedia. org ) Maintaining a clean diamond can sometimes be difficult, as jewellery settings can obstruct cleaning efforts, and oils, grease, and other hydrophobic materials adhere well to a diamonds surface. Some jewelers provide their customers with sudsy ammonia cleaning kits. Many jewelers use steam cleaners. Some other jewelers sell small ultrasonic cleaners. Home-based cleaning methods include immersing the diamond in ammonia-based or ethyl alcohol-based solutions, or even a solution of mild grease dissolving detergent and warm water. Silver jewelery can be cleaned using aluminum foil, baking soda, and hot water. However, this practice is not recommended by most jewelers. Certain types of cleaning can damage some jewellery. For example, some class rings are coated with a dark pigment to reduce their shininess. Some gemstones, such as white topaz, have an overlay to produce certain colors. Ultrasonic cleaning can remove this coating, if it is not a quality piece. Ultrasonic cleaning is also contraindicated for opals, pearls and amber, and any other gemstone that is porous. Gemstones that are glued in (a common practice with semiprecious stones in non-precious methods, and in class rings) should not be placed into an ultrasonic cleaner. An ultrasonic cleaner can cause stones that are loose in their settings to come out. Jewellery should always be examined for overlays and loose stones prior to cleaning with an ultrasonic cleaner or a steam cleaner. There are a number of things you can do to prevent build up of dirt and prevent jewellery becoming tarnished. Namely Store jewellery carefully in its original packaging or a jewellery box. Clean jewellery using warm water, mild soap and a soft bristle toothbrush. Use a non abrasive silver cloth or soft lint free cloth to polish jewellery and remove tarnishing. Dont expose jewellery to harsh chemicals or perfumes as this could cause damage and discoloration. Dont wear jewellery when doing anything heavy duty and avoid unnecessary knocks and scratches. Try to avoid spraying your jewellery with beauty products such as hair spray, cosmetics or perfume as this can tarnish or discolour the jewellery. Always put your jewellery on last. Clean your jewellery on a regular basis. Bangles, earrings (particularly those manufactured from hollow tubing) and chains should be worn with care in order to avoid surface damage, and should be removed before going to bed. Check for signs of wear and tear regularly, especially on catches and joints. Stone settings can become loose over time, especially if they have been hit against a hard surface or snagged on clothing. Although it is not one of the 4 Cs, cleanliness affects a diamonds beauty as much as any of the 4 Cs (cut, carat, color, clarity). A clean diamond is more brilliant and fiery than the same diamond when it is dirty. Dirt or grease on the top of a diamond reduces its lustre. Water, dirt, or grease on the bottom of a diamond interferes with the diamonds brilliance and fire. Even a thin film absorbs some light that could have been reflected to the person looking at the diamond. Colored dye or smudges can affect the perceived color of a gem. Historically, some jewelers diamonds were misgraded due to smudges on the girdle, or dye on the culet. Current practice is to thoroughly clean a gem before grading its color as well as clarity. Cleanliness does not affect the jewellerys market value, as jewelers routinely clean jewellery before offering it for sale. However, cleanliness might reflect the jewellerys sentimental value. UAE Dirham(AED) To Lao Kip(LAK) This page shows the historical data for UAE Dirham(AED) To Lao Kip(LAK) From Wednesday 02032016 To Thursday 24032016. With the history chart of this currency pairs you can review market history and analyze rate trends. Would you like to invert the currencies pairs Please visit Lao Kip(LAK) To UAE Dirham(AED) Exchange Rate History Vamos a suponer que usted tiene 11,000 pesos o el equivalente a 1,000 doacutelares En Forex tenemos el mercado del euro EURUSD. Y supangamos tambien que el euro esta ahora en 1.22 doacutelares por euro. iquestUsted esta conciente de que el euro puede subir un centavo en unas horas Es decir el euro puede subir de 1.22 a 1.23 en unas cuantas horas. iquestNo es difiacutecil verdad A veces sube hasta dos centavos en unas horas. Bueno si usted compra euros en 1.22 y en un par de horas sube a 1.23 y los vende, usted duplica su dinero en unas horas es decir gana el 100 de su inversioacuten. No le salen las cuentas iquestverdad Claro que no le salen las cuentas porque en forex las posiciones se mueven apalancadas. Y ahora le explico: Si el euro esta en 1.22 doacutelares por euro, iquestCuaacutento le costariacutean 1,000 euros 1.22 X 1,000 1,220 doacutelares Y 100,000 euros iquestcuanto le costariacutean 1.22 X 100,000 122,000 doacutelares El broker le dice a usted ldquosin que me pagues ahora, yo te puedo vender 100,000 euros y luego me pagas los 122,000 doacutelares, tuacute tienes 100,000 euros y me debes 122,000 doacutelaresrdquo, es muy faacutecil. Si el euro sube a 1.23 iquestahora cuaacutento valen los 100,000 euros 1.23 X 100,000 123,000 doacutelares Bueno, con ese dinero usted le paga los 122,000 doacutelares al broker y se queda con 1,000 doacutelares para usted. Aquiacute vienen los detalles, no hay engantildeo, el broker tambieacuten le diraacute iquesty que tal si en vez de subir a 1.23 mas bien baja a 1.21. iquestcuanto valdriacutean 100,000 euros a 1.21 1.21 X 100,000 121,000 doacutelares Entonces usted le tiene que dar al broker una garantiacutea por la posible perdida, es decir 1,000 doacutelares de garantiacutea, que el se los regresara cuando le pague la deuda, porque el le va a vender fiado, pero tampoco se va a arriesgar a perder o a que usted se vaya debieacutendole dinero iquestverdad Esto es invertir con el dinero ajeno pero asumiendo la responsabilidad en caso de perdida. Pero espere, NO es tan riesgoso porque el euro en forex no se mueve en base a centavos, NO sube de 1.22 a 1.23, se mueve en centeacutesimas de centavo, es decir se mueve de 1.2212 a 1.2213, por lo que antes de perder los 1,000 doacutelares completos usted se puede retirar perdiendo solo 200 doacutelares. Es decir usted compra a 1.2200 y vende si baja a 1.2180. Ademaacutes no esta obligado a aceptar 100,000 euros, puede aceptar solo 10,000 y poner solo 100 doacutelares de su dinero como garantiacutea. en caso de las minicuentas MAS VENTAJAS, si el euro baja tambieacuten puede ganar dinero. Si el euro esta en 1.22, usted tambieacuten le puede decir al broker que le venda fiado 122,000 doacutelares y le queda a deber 100,000 euros, si el euro baja a 1.21 entonces con 121,000 doacutelares puede comprar los 100,000 euros que debe y usted se queda con 1,000 doacutelares. supongamos que compramos la paridad del usdmxn y compramos 10 lotes, en base al apalancamiento que le hemos mencionado esos 10 lotes significan 1,000,000.00 de dlls de acuerdo. ok, el precio que usted compro esos 10 lotes fue de 10.60, y supongamos que el dia siguiente hubo un cambio en la politica monetaria del banco de mexico y no le favorece esa politica al peso y pierde valor frente al dolar y se mueve el tipo de cambio solo 10 cts es decir de 10.60 que usted compro al dia siguiente ya esta en 10.70 cuanto gano usted en esa operacion. pues gano cerca de 9,500 dlls. por que. hagamos la operacion DIVISA. USDMXN CANTIDAD DE LOTES. 10 GARANTIA QUE REQUIERE. 10,000 DLLS MONTO REAL EN EL MERCADO OPERANDO. 1,000,000.00 APALANCAMIENTO. 100 A 1 TIPO DE CAMBIO DE COMPRA. 10.60 TIPO DE CAMBIO DE VENTA. 10.70 GANANCIA BRUTA EN CENTAVOS. 10 CTS OPERACION MATEMATICA. 1,000,000.00 DE DLLS X 10.60 10,600,000.00 PESOS CONTRAPARTIDA. 1,000,000.00 DE DLLS X 10.70 10,700,000.00 DIFERENCIA A FAVOR: 100,000 PESOS, DIVIDIDO ENTRE EL TIPO DE CAMBIO QUE VENDIO DE 10.70 9,345 DLLS GANANCIA BRUTA. 9,345 DLLS Swift Code is a standard format of Bank Identifier Codes (BIC) and it is unique identification code for a particular bank. These codes are used when transferring money between banks, particularly for international wire transfers. Banks also used the codes for exchanging other messages between them. The Swift code consists of 8 or 11 characters. When 8-digits code is given, it refers to the primary office. The code formatted as below First 4 characters - bank code (only letters) Next 2 characters - ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code (only letters) Next 2 characters - location code (letters and digits) (passive participant will have 1 in the second character) Last 3 characters - branch code, optional (XXX for primary office) (letters and digits) ORIX ASIA LIMITED HONG KONG SWIFT Code FundFire Money-Media, Inc. 1430 Broadway, 12th Fl. New York, NY10017 Tel (212) 542-1200 Fax (212) 616-3882 mo ney - media. com Title Info: mcgraw-hill. com tomstabilemcgraw-hill. com fundfire. com Ed.-Tom Stabile, Adv. Dir.-Dan Fink. Presents the most critical news in institutional and high-net-worth asset management. B, 2000 D Circ. 40,000 Adv. Newsletter - Online Futuresreg (Futures Magazine) Summit Business Media - HQ, 5081 Olympic Blvd. Erlanger, KY 41018 Tel (859) 692-2100 (800) 543-0874 Fax (859) 692-2000 sbmedia. com brousseausbmedia. com summitbusinessmedia. com Title Info: Tel (312) 846-4600 Fax (312) 846-4638 futuresmag. com dcollinsfuturesmag. com futuresmag. com Pub. Ed.-in-Chief-Ginger Szala, Mng. Ed.-Daniel P. Collins, Mktg. Dir.-Keith Williams. Helps readers understand the factors that affect futures prices, provides them with a perspective on trends affecting the global marketplace and gives them information on how to maximize trading profits while minimizing risk. B, 1972 M Subs. Indv. 39, Can. 39, For. 92 4.95copy Circ. 60,302 BPA Adv. 11,420 Prod. 88pp, 77frasl8 x107frasl8, Color-2-4, W, P, C, Rents List, Magazine - Print Online ISSN: 0746-2468 Bk. Revs. Futures Industry Futures Industry Association, Inc. 2001 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Ste. 600, Washington, DC 20006 Tel (202) 466-5460 Fax (202) 296-3184 futuresindustry. org infofuturesindustry. org futuresindustry. org Title Info: wacworthfuturesindustry. org futuresindustry. orgfi-magazine-home. asp Ed.-Will Acworth, Adv. Dir.-Toni Vitale-Chan. For brokerage firm management, futures professionals, active corporate, institutional and individual traders, members of Congress and their staffs, regulatory officials, and domestic and international press. Provides comprehensive coverage to key issues and trends in derivative markets. Articles regularly cover front and back office operations, marketing, research, technology, money management, and regulatory and brokerage issues from both a domestic and international perspective. AB, 1986 BM Circ. 13,000 Adv. 6,200 Prod. 48pp, 81frasl2 x 11, Color-4, S, S, C, Magazine - PrintOnline Galantersquos Venture Capital amp38 Private Equity Directory News Corporation, 1211 Ave. of the Americas, New York, NY 10036 Tel (212) 659-1935 Fax (212) 852-7145 paul. tsigrikes dowjones. com newscorp. com Title Info: Privatemarkets. dowjones. com salesdowjones. com Mng. Ed.-Nick Elliott. Features in-depth profiles of over 2,000 private equity firms. B A Subs. Indv. 845, Adv. Directory - CDOnline Game-Changing Stocks StreetAuthority, LLC, 839-K Quince Orchard Blvd. Gaithersburg, MD20878 Tel (301) 216-2005 Fax (301) 216-2008 streetauthority. com Pub.-Lou Betancourt, Ed.-Andy Obermueller. Devoted to the pursuit of the the next life-changing investment idea. C SM Subs. Indv. 99, Newsletter - E-MailOnline Gary Shillingrsquos Insight A. Gary Schilling amp38 Co. 500 Morris Ave. Springfield, NJ 07081 Tel (973) 467-0070 Fax (973) 467-1943 agaryshilling. com garyagaryshilling. com agaryshilling. com Ed.-Gary Shilling. Covers investment themes such as housing bubbles, U. S. stock prices, China investments, treasury bonds, and more. B M Subs. Indv. 339, OL 275, Newsletter - PrintOnline Gemstone Forecaster NewslettermdashSee COLLECTIBLES Glen Ringrsquos View on Futures Glen Ring Enterprises, LLC, 31633 120th St. Cedar Falls, IA 50613 Tel (319) 268-1883 Fax (319) 277-1997 glenring. com dianewglenring. com glenring. com Ed.-Glen Ring. In-depth market insight in futures trading. BC, 1998 BW Subs. Indv. 445 Prod. 8pp, Newsletter - E-MailFaxPrint Glen Ringrsquos View onFutures Daily Update Glen Ring Enterprises, LLC, 31633 120th St. Cedar Falls, IA 50613 Tel (319) 268- 1883 Fax (319) 277-1997 glenring. com dianewglenring. com gl enring. com Ed.-Glen Ring. Daily updates on the futures markets. BC, 1998 D Subs. Indv. 545, Newsletter - E-MailFaxPrint Global Changes amp38 Opportunities Report (Tech Stock Alert) James B. Powell amp38 Assoc. PO Box 84900, Phoenix, AZ 85071 Tel (602) 445-2734 (866) 967-4267 Fax (602) 943-2363 powellreport. com Ed.-Jim Powell. News and information about investment opportunities on a global scale, and how events in the US and around the world affect the markets. B, 1999 M Subs. Indv. 229 15copy Prod. 9pp, Color-2, Rents List, Newsletter - PrintOnline Global CustodianmdashSee BANKING amp38 FINANCE Global ETF Profits KCI Investing, 7600A Leesburg Pke. West Meadow Bldg. Ste. 300, Falls Church, VA 22043 Tel (703) 394- 4931 (800) 832-2330 Fax (703) 905-8100 kciservicekci-com. com investingdaily. com Ed.-Benjamin Shepherd. ETF buy-and-sell recommendations. BC M Subs. OL 249, Newsletter - Online Global Insightstrade International Assets Advisory LLC, 300 S. Orange Ave. Ste. 1100, Orlando, FL 32801 Tel (407) 254-1500 (800) 432-0000 Fax (407) 254-1505 iaac. com Pres.-Ed Cofrancesco. Information for investors seeking opportunities in the global market. BC, 1978 M, Rents List, Newsletter - E - MailOnline Global Investing Global Investing, 35 Sutton Pl. Ste. SR6, New York, NY 10022 Tel (212) 758-9480 vivianglobal-investing. com global-investing. com Pub. Ed.-Vivian Lewis. For investors seeking to build an international portfolio of stocks and bonds from around the world without leaving Wall Street or their regular brokers. C, 1991 D Subs. Indv. 384 25copy Circ. 1,400 Adv. Blog - Online Global Investment Technology Investment Media, Inc. 230 Park Ave. S. 12th Fl. New York, NY 10003 Tel (212) 768-2800 Fax (212) 768-2484 imn. org mailimn. org imn. org Title Info: info globalinv. com globalinv. com Pub. Ed. Adv. Dir.-Michael Horton. Offers decision-makers a sharply focused business perspective on the evolving securities and investment marketplace. Plus a wealth of up-to-the-minute information on software and electronic services to help you stay ahead. B, 1991 BW LexisNexis Subs. Indv. 995, Can. 995, For. 875 Circ. 2,000 Adv. Prod. 25pp, 81frasl2 x 11, Color-4, S, S, M, Newsletter - Print ISSN: 1058-3920 Global Market Investment Reports Taipan Publishing Group, LLC, 16 W. Madison St. Baltimore, MD 21201 Fax (410) 454-0404 taipandaily. com justicetaipandaily. com taipanpublishinggroup. com Title Info: taipanpublishinggroup. com jsmithtaipanpublishinggroup. com Ed.-Nadeem Wyatt, Adv. Dir.-Jeanne Smith. Investment news and reports from around the world. BC, 2010 TW, Newsletter - E-MailOnline Global Market Perspective Elliott Wave International, PO Box 1618, Gainesville, GA 30503 Tel (770) 536-0309 (800) 336- 1618 Fax (770) 536-2514 elliottwave. com customerserviceelliottwave. com elliottwave. com Pub.-Robert Prechter. Your road map to global investment opportunity with 100 pages of unique analysis and specific forecasts for every major market in the world, culled from EWIrsquos team of experienced global analysts. BC, 1990 M Subs. OL 588 49copy No Adv. Newsletter - Online Global Money Management Institutional Investor, Inc. 225 Park Ave. S, 8th Fl. New York, NY 10003 Tel (212) 224-3300 (800) 715-9195 iimagazine. com jdesantoiimagazine. com iijournals. com Title Info: iinews. com smurrayiinews. com gl obalmoneymanagement. com Pub.-Allison Adams, Ed.-Steve Murray, Mng. Ed.-Veronica Belitski, Adv. Dir.-Pat Bertucci. Features fast-breaking news affecting international fund management. A primary information resource for investment professionals. Each issue reports on investment strategies, pension fund searches, etc. B, 1990 M LexisNexis news service Adv. Prod. 12pp, 81frasl2 x 11, Color-2- 4, O, S, N, Newsletter - PrintOnline Global Penny Stocksreg George Schlieben, PO Box 372, Yardley, PA 19067 Tel (215) 493-6783 pennystock. com infopennystock. com pennystock. com Pub.-George Schlieben. Features stocks trading at under 5. C, 1996 BM Subs. OL 89, No Adv. Newsletter - Online Global Proxy Watch Davis Global Advisors, 837 Boston Post Rd. Ste. 12, Madison, CT 06443 Tel (203) 245-2288 Fax (203) 245- 2278.Ne ws and information for investors. B, 1997WSubs. Indv. 1,850, No Adv. Newsletter - E-MailOnline ISSN: 1534-8822 Global Stock Markets Factbook (year) (Emerging Stock Markets Factbook) Samp38P Capital IQ, 55 Water St. New York, NY 10041 Tel (212) 438-1000 (800) 852-1641 clientsupport standardandpoors. com standardandpoors. com. Contains information on the global economic outlook and world stock markets. Appendices include information on foreign investment limits, witholding tax rates, and more. B, 1987 A Subs. Indv. 100, Directory - Print Global Weekly Update Securities Industry and Financial Markets Assn. (SIFMA), 1101 New York Ave. NW, 8th Fl. Washington, DC 20005 Tel (202) 962-7300 Fax (202) 962-7305 inquiry sifma. org sifma. org. A summary of major EU and global regulatory and legislative actions that impact the financial services sector, published in coordination with SIFMArsquos global offices. B W, Newsletter - E-Mail globefund. com Alert Globe and Mail Publishing, Inc. 444 Front St. W, Toronto, ON M5V 2S9 Canada Tel (416) 585-5000 (800) 387-5400 Fax (416) 585-5599 globeandmail. com circulationglobeandmail. com theglobeandmail. com Title Info: Tel (416) 585-5600 Fax (416) 585-5682. Mutual fund data and the latest news from The Globe and Mailrsquos Report on Mutual Funds. C BW, Newsletter - E-MailOnline Gold and Energy Advisor Silver amp38 Gold Report, LLC, The, 925 S. Federal Hwy. Ste. 500, Boca Raton, FL 33432 Tel (561) 750- 2030 (800) 819-8693 Fax (561) 750-4322 editorial goldandenergyadvisor. com goldandenergyadvisor. com Pub.-Todd Griffiths, Ed.-James DiGeorgia. Covers the precious metals, and energy markets with the single goal of delivering money making recommendations. Also provides frequent updates and special reports. BC, 2004 M Subs. Indv. 79 19 copy Prod. 8pp, Newsletter - PrintOnline Gold Newsletter Jefferson Direct, Inc. PO Box 84900, Phoenix, AZ 85071 (800) 877-8847 jeffersoncompanies. com gnlmailjeffersoncompanies. com Title Info: goldnewsletter. com Ed.-Brien Lundin. Covers gold, hard assets, cash equivalents (U. S. amp38 foreign currencies) plus geopolitical economic commentary. C, 1971 M Subs. Indv. 198 Prod. 16pp, Color-2, M, Rents List: 195M, Newsletter - E-MailPrintOnline Gold and Oil Advisory (Gold and Energy Advisory) Van-Eck Tillman Advisories, Inc. 307 Cedar St. Ashland, MA 01721 Tel (508) 881-1022 (800) 219-1333 Fax (508) 881-1919 vanecktillman. com Title Info: aol. com vethotlineaol. com Pres. Ed.- Jonathan Van Eck. Information on gold and oil stocks. BC M Subs. Indv. 80, Newsletter - E-MailPrint Gold Report, by Tom OrsquoBrien, The Tiger Financial News Network, 601 Cleveland St. Ste. 618, Clearwater, FL 33755 Tel (727) 467-9190 (877) 518-9190 Fax (727) 443-0869 tfnn. com ob1tfnn. com tfnn. com Ed.-Tom OrsquoBrien. Gives traders, investors, and money managers a thorough strategy for trading in the gold market. BC W Subs. Indv. 42, Newsletter - E-MailOnline Gold amp38 Silver Stock Report, The Publishing Concepts, PO Box 3401, Topsail Beach, NC 28445 clifdroke. com clifclifdroke. com clifdroke. com Ed.-Clif Droke. Analyzes the daily and weekly technical outlook of some of the most popular gold and silver stocks, but also forecasts the near term outlook for the XAU and HUI goldsilver stock indices as well as the QQQQ. BC, 2002 SW Subs. Indv. 145, Newsletter - Online Gold Stock Advisor NewsMax. com. 560 Village Blvd. Ste. 270, PO Box 20989, West Palm Beach, FL 33416 Tel (561) 686- 1165 (800) 485-4350 Fax (561) 686-3350 customerservice newsmax. com recommendations for undiscovered and undervalued large-cap, mid-tier, and junior gold stocks. C MCirc. 44,500 Adv. 10,200, Newsletter - Print Gold Stock Analysttrade Gold Stock Analyst, Inc. PO Box 7440, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33338 Tel (954) 728-9710 (800) 237-8400 goldstockanalyst. com Ed.-John Doody. Focuses on the 60 gold and 15 silver miners that have ounces that meet the US SECrsquos reporting standard for Proven and Probable Reserves. BC, 1994 BW Subs. OL 595, Adv. Prod. 16pp, No Color, Newsletter - E-MailPrintOnline Gold Stock News Bull amp38 Bear Financial Report, PO Box 917179, Longwood, FL 32791 Tel (407) 682-6170 (800) 336-2855 Fax (407) 682-6170 thebullandbear. com Pub. Ed.-David J. Robinson, Adv. Dir.-Valerie Waters. Analysis of gold stocks and precious metal trends. BC M, Rents List, Newsletter - E - MailOnline Gold Stock Report Soundview Communication, Inc. 5305 Oakbrook Pkwy. Norcross, GA 30093 (800) 791-3445. Important news, recommendations and opinion summaries on precious metals investing. BC M, Newsletter - Print Good Fortune DoradoIDS Corp. PO Box 1500, Woodland, CA 95776 Tel (530) 867-6241 Fax (530) 661-0729 billgood - fortune. cc goodfortune. info Ed.-William Ragsdale. Uses a proven statistical model to achieve superior investment returns using Fidelity sector funds. BC, 1990WSubs. Indv. 147 Prod. 2pp, Newsletter - E-MailPrint Grain Insight Commodity Information Systems, Inc. 3030 NW Expy. Ste. 725, Oklahoma City, OK 73112 Tel (405) 604-8726 (800) 231-0477 Fax (405) 604-9696 cis-okc. com infocis-okc. com ci s - okc. com Ed.-Bill Gary. Contains information about the commodities market and is designed as a supplement to Price Perceptions. B IR Subs. OL 320 Prod. 1pp, Newsletter - E - MailFax Grain, Oilseed amp38 Special Crops ReportmdashSee AGRICULTURE amp38 AGRICULTURAL SUPPLIES Grains, Foods, and Cattle Futures Trader Rainbow Publishing, Inc. PO Box 15196, Montclair, CA 91763 Tel (909) 464-0500 Fax (909) 464-0502 emarketupdate. com Title Info: info1 emarketupdate. com. Teaches you how to make a fortune by trading grains, foods and cattle futures. Part of Grains, Foods, and Cattle Futures Trading Course. C, 2011 M No Adv. Newsletter - Print Grantrsquos Interest Rate Observer Grantrsquos Interest Rate Observer, 2 Wall St. 6th Fl. New York, NY 10005 Tel (212) 809-7994 Fax (212) 809-8492 grantspub. com subscriptionsgrantspub. com gr antspub. com Ed.-James Grant. Covers global credit marketsandinterest rates as they affect all investments. An early spokesman against excessive leverage in the rsquo80s and 90s now aimed at the emerging risks and opportunities of the new century. B, 1983 SMSubs. Indv. 850, Can. 850, For. 890, Adv. Newsletter - PrintOnline ISSN: 0748-8424 Green AmericanmdashSee ECONOMICS Green Investor Digest Bull amp38 Bear Financial Report, PO Box 917179, Longwood, FL 32791 Tel (407) 682-6170 (800) 336- 2855 Fax (407) 682-6170 thebullandbear. com Pub. Ed.- David J. Robinson, Adv. Dir.-Valerie Waters. Digest of green investment opportunities. BC, 2008, Rents List, Newsletter - E-MailOnline GreenMoney Journal GreenMoney Journal, PO Box 67, Santa Fe, NM 87504 Tel (505) 988-7423 gmail. com cliffgmjgmail. com greenmoneyjournal. com Title Info: greenmoney. com cliffgreenmoney. com Pub. Mng. Ed. Adv. Dir.-Cliff Feigenbaum, Ed.-Ted Ketcham. Socially and environmentally responsible investing, business, and consumer information. BC, 1992 Q Subs. Indv. 25 Circ. 10,000 Adv. 4C 2,000 Prod. 24pp, 24 x 81frasl2, No Color, S, R, Rents List: 100M, Magazine - PrintOnline Bk. Revs. Ground Floor Stocks Ground Floor Stocks, 925 S. Federal Hwy. Ste. 500, Boca Raton, FL 33432 (800) 940-9180 Fax (612) 395- 5250. News and information. C M, Newsletter - Print Crop forecast: average production in the EU despite extreme weather Wednesday 04 August 2010 Total cereal production in 2010 should be close to the average from the last five years. While the yield per hectare will be 5 above average, overall cultivated areas have decreased. This agricultural year has been marked by unusual scattered weather events ranging from severe rain shortage to floods. However, the impact of poor weather on crops in some areas of the EU has been offset in other areas. In general, Europe saw a harsh winter with waves of exceptionally low temperatures in December, January, February and also in March (e. g. snowfall in Spain) leading to a delayed start to the season. Spring and early summer brought a severe shortage of rain in the United Kingdom, western France, Benelux, northern Germany, eastern Poland and Greece. Flooding occurred in Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Romania. On the other hand, Spain and Italy experienced favourable and abundant rain in spring. Northern and central France, Benelux and Germany experienced very high temperatures in June and July coupled with low rainfall. The forecast published today by the JRC provides yield estimates for the main crops throughout the European Union and identifies the areas most affected by stress conditions. While the EUs cereal harvest should reach average levels, the JRC crop monitoring system identifies very critical conditions (hot and dry) that will severely affect winter crop production in Russia, and in particular along the Volga River. The yield forecast for cereals (wheat, barley, maize, other cereals) is 5.1 tonnes per hectare across the EU, the same level as last year (0.7) but above the five-year average (5.0). The total area used in the European Union for cereals in 2010 is estimated to have decreased by 3 compared to 2009. For individual crop figures across the EU27 over the last five years, the latest yield forecasts show the following trends soft wheat: 5.62 tha ( 1.7 ) durum wheat. 2.97 tha (0.3) barley: 4.42 tha (4.4) grain maize: 7.22 tha (7.7) rape seed: 3.00 tha (- 2.4) sunflower. 1.80 tha (7.2) potato: 30.10 tha (6.9) sugar beet: 65.65 tha (2.3) Soft wheat yield as a total is forecast to be above the five-year average, but forecasts for the two big producers France and Germany show below average yields that are also clearly below last years level. In these countries, the dry and hot conditions experienced lately have prevented a better yield. Italy, as the main producer of durum wheat, is forecast to have a similar average yield to France. In Spain, durum wheat suffered from excessive rainfall during the winter in Andaluciacutea and yields are forecast to be 16 below average. Winter barley has been less affected than soft wheat by the dry and hot conditions. In the two main producing countries France and Germany, yields are forecast to be at average level, but 4 below last years level. Spain, which accounts for one quarter of spring barley production, is forecast to have a yield 15 above the five-year average. During the agricultural season, the JRCs Institute for Protection and Security of the Citizen (IPSC) regularly issues forecasts for the main crop yields and produces analyses of the impact of weather conditions on crop production. These are based on methodologies using satellite remote sensing and mathematical models which simulate crop growth. Menu gwne 2211 forex szary 2211 forex szary Analiza FOREX 2211 SZARY PASZCZ KURTKA HIT DENLEYPLM 183 FORD MONDEO Mk2 96-00 nakadki na botniki 2szt. nowy sworze toka romet komar. Miejscu standardowego gniazda typu KEYSTONE RJ45 rozwizanie idealne w przypadku potrzeby wykonania instalacji multimedialnych kolor szary, JEST. 2211 forex szary Szara ta rzeczywisto i smutna jak pzda. 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Przejd do naszego Forex forum Nawigatora 187 Dolar coraz mocniejszy Codzienny Puls Rynku IDMSA Data opublikowania. 14.03.2013 (09:59) Wczoraj obserwowali8250my kolejny dzie8222 wzrostw na gie8218dzie ameryka8222skiej. Indeks DJIA wzrs8218 po raz dziewi8482ty z rz8482du, cho8225 zwyka ta by8218a najmniejsza z moliwych (o 0,1 punkta). Podobna sytuacja na SP500, ktry zamkn82308218 si8482 1 punkt powyej wtorkowego zamkni8482cia. W trakcie wczorajszej sesji obserwowali8250my publikacj8482 kilku danych makroekonomicznych z USA. Nie wp8218yn84828218y one jednak znacz8230co na notowania, bo cho8225 pomimo, e by8218y pozytywne, to jednak tylko minimalnie powyej progoz (m. in. sprzeda detaliczna). Wyraniejszych ruch obserwowali8250my na g8218wnej parze walutowej, EURUSD. Dolar ameryka8222ski wyranie umocni8218 si8482 wzgl8482dem euro odbijaj8230c si8482 o poranku od oporu wynikaj8230cego z linii tenkan sen na poziomie 1,3028. Nast8482pnie obserwowali8250my znik8482 do poziomu 1,2922 i by8218 to najniszy poziom od 10 grudnia 2012 r. Trend jest wyranie spadkowy. Spodziewamy si8482 jego kontynuacji. Polska waluta os8218abia8218a si8482 wyranie wzgl8482dem dolara ameryka8222skiego, osi8230gaj8230c w dniu wczorajszym poziom 3,2032, ktry jest najwyszy 22 listopada 2012 r. Z8218oty wzgl8482dem euro pozostawa8218 bez zmian. Dzi8250 poznamy wi8482cej ciekawych, a zaraz istotniejszych danych makroekonomicznych, ktre mog8230 mie8225 wp8218yw na zachowanie wszystkich rynkw. O godzinie 13:30 publikowane b8482d8230 dane dotycz8230ce nowozarejestrowanych bezrobotnych oraz inflacji PPI MM i RR. Na rynek polskiej waluty dodatkowo wp8218yw moe mie8225 inflacja, publikowana o godzinie 14. EURUSD w dniu wczorajszym odbi8218 si8482 od oporu wynikaj8230cego z linii tenkan sen na poziomie 1,3028 i nast8482pnie rozpocz82308218 wyran8230 znik8482, osi8230gaj8230c minimum na poziomie 1,2922. Jest to najniszy poziom od 10 grudnia 2012 r. Trend jest spadkowy. Spodziewamy si8482 jego kontynuacji. Najbliszy opr pozostaje niezmiennie na poziomie 1,3028. USDPLN w dniu wczorajszym odbi8218 si8482 od wsparcia wynikaj8230cego z linii tenkan sen na poziomie 3,1759 i nast8482pnie obserwowali8250my wyran8230 zwyk8482. Maksimum wynosio8218o 3,2032 i jest to najwyszy poziom od 22 listopada 2012 r. W 8250rednim terminie trend pozostaje wzrostowy, z kolei w krtkim terminie obserwujemy szerok8230 konsolidacj8482 w obszarze 3,16 - 3,20. AUDUSD w dniu wczorajszym odreagowa8218 ruch wzrostowy, ktry obserwowali8250my od 4 marca. Dzi8250 rano z kolei obserwujemy bardzo silne umocnienie dolara australisjkiego wzgl8482dem dolara ameryka8222skiego. Przebity zosta8218 wyranie szczyt ustanowiony dwie sesje temu i obecnie para walutowa testuje techniczny opr na poziomie 1,0374. Jego przebicie moe by8225 sygna8218em do dalszej kontynuacji ruchu wzrostowego. USDJPY od kilku miesi8482cy znajduje si8482 w silnym trendzie wzrostowym i brak jest na chwil8482 obecn8230 sygna8218w, ktre mog8218yby 8250wiadczy8225 o ewentualnym odwrceniu trendu. Przez ostatnie trzy sesje na wykresie obserwujemy konsolidacj8482. Po jej zako8222czeniu spodziewamy si8482 powrotu do ruchu wzrostowego. Najbliszy opr zlokalizowany jest na poziomie 94,80. Jego ewentualne testowanie moe by8225 dobr8230 okazj8230 do zaj8482cia d8218ugiej pozycji. 8470rd8218o: Kamil Oziemczuk, Dom Maklerski IDM SA Komentarz walutowy dostarczy8218: Dom Maklerski IDM S. A. Ten towar jest dostpny w naszych sklepach Moesz kupi ten produkt bez skadania zamwienia internetowego w jednym z naszych sklepw w Twojej okolicy. Sprawd w ktrych punktach produkt jest dostpny od rki. Kup na raty Kup na Raty od 3,53 z miesicznie mBank mRaty bez wychodzenia z domu. atwo i szybko jak zakupy przez internet. Dostpne dla zakupw o cznej wartoci od 300.00z do 20000.00z Nota prawna Reprezentatywny przykad dla poyczki mRaty: oprocentowanie nominalne zmienne 10 w skali roku cakowity koszt kredytu 163.28 z (w tym prowizja za udzielenie kredytu 5 od cakowitej kwoty kredytu) cakowita kwota kredytu 1600 z rzeczywista roczna stopa oprocentowania kredytu wynosi 23.19 czas obowizywania umowy 10 miesicy cakowita kwota do zapaty 1763.28 z 10 rwnych rat miesicznych w wysokoci 175.80 z. Sporzdzono w oparciu o informacje wasne z dnia 29.02.2016 r. O umow o poyczk mRaty udzielon jednej osobie w mBanku moesz wnioskowa elektronicznie - przez internet. Przyznanie poyczki mRaty zaley od oceny Twojej zdolnoci kredytowej przez mBank SA. Jeli wnioskujesz o poyczk mRaty przez internet i uzyskujesz dochd z tytuu umowy o prac umowy o dzieozlecenie kontraktu zawodowego lub emerytury bdziesz musia dostarczy dokumenty dochodowe. O wymaganych dokumentach i sposobie ich dostarczenia mBank poinformuje Ci mailem po podjciu wstpnej decyzji kredytowej. Jeli rodki z poyczki mRaty maj wpyn na rachunek sprzedawcy w innym banku przelew moe zosta zrealizowany nawet w 15 minut od momentu elektronicznego podpisania umowy o poyczk mRaty zgodnie z zasadami realizacji przelewu ekspresowego zamieszczonymi na stronie mBank. plzasady. Szczegowe informacje w tym warunki i opaty zwizane z poyczk mRaty s okrelone w: Taryfie prowizji i opat bankowych dla osb fizycznych w ramach bankowoci detalicznej mBanku S. A. dostpnej na mbank. plpobierzoplatytaryfa-osobyfiz. pdf Regulaminie udzielania mPoyczki dla osb fizycznych w ramach bankowoci detalicznej mBanku S. A. dostpnym na mbank. pldownloadmkredytymkredytyregulamin-mkredyt. pdf Niniejszy materia nie stanowi oferty w rozumieniu kodeksu cywilnego i ma charakter wycznie informacyjny. Podaj dane kontaktowe, a my damy Ci zna kiedy towar bdzie dostpny Walker adds publishing weight Wilson amp Horton chairman John Maasland and National Business Review publisher Barry Colman head competing companies but will work side by side as directors of Walker Wireless, the broadband wireless company providing high-speed internet access. Mr Maasland and former Xtra general manager Bob Smith have been appointed to join Mr Colman. Chairman Rod Inglis said the companys board members married knowledge of technology and the quotnew economyquot with media content. Walker is not commenting on speculation it is planning an IPO, believed to be aiming to raise 20 million. Comments from our readers No comments yet Add your comment: Ze wzgldu na okres przedwiteczny oraz zwikszon liczb zamwie kabli i przewodw przed podwykami cen, czas realizacji zamwie moe ulec wydueniu do 48h. Dokadamy jednoczenie wszelkich stara, aby zrealizowa maksymaln ilo przesyek w jak najszybszym terminie. O wszelkich zmianach bdziemy informowa Pastwa na bieco. Strona gwna categora 404: Nie znaleziono strony Strona ktrej poszukujesz nie moga zosta znaleziona. Prawdopodobnie: jeli wpisywae adres URL bezporednio w pasek adresu przegldarki sprawd czy nie wkrada si literwka. jeli klikne w link by moe jest on przeterminowany, moesz go zgosi za pomoc formularza kontaktowego. Teraz moesz: Wr do poprzedniej strony. Uyj wyszukiwarki (na grze okna) aby znale produkt ktrego szukasz. Wr na stron gwn. Serdecznie dzikujemy za przesanie Twojej opinii. Zapoznamy si z jej treci i rozpatrzymy wszelkie uwagi. Zesp Techniczny TIM S. A Zauwaye bd na stronie, masz uwagi Sklep TIM jest stale rozwijany, aby sprosta stale rosncym potrzebom naszych klientw. Jeeli pojawi si jaki bd na stronie, chciaby aby pojawia si nowa funkcjonalno lub funkcja na stronie nie dziaa, tak jak by tego oczekiwa 8211 przelij nam informacj. Kontakt - , . 8212 , , , , , . , -, . . - , , , - . ,. , - . , - , , , , 8212 , . -, - . 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Insertar en su sitio web: 02 maja 2007, 10:46 Poniewa kiedy ju by taki wtek, ale zosta usunity proponuje wznowienie tematu i wymian pogldw (nie ukrywam, ze zainteresowa mnie ten system handlu). Od siebie dodam par sw wstpu. Harmonic Trading polega na rozpoznawaniu okrelonych wspczynnikami Fibonacciego wzorw i skadania zlece wg. wytycznych kadego wzorca. Potrzebne jest do teko wprawne oko lubi zestaw wskanikw. Jest jednak kilka dylematw, midzy innym: - czy sztywno trzyma si wzorcw, czy jednak odchylenie kilku pips nie stanowi problemu - jak dobra parametry wskanikw - na jakich parach wystpuj najbardziej prawidowe formacje Na forach anglojzycznych temat jest bardzo rozwinity, niemniej na pewno przyda nam si merytoryczna dyskusja w jzyku polskim (aby nowicjusz take mogli to zrozumie, zada pytanie). Na koniec w zacznikach znajdziecie: wzorce i kilka wskanikw. Zaloguj si (lub zarejestruj), aby zobaczy pliki zaczone do tego postu. 02 maja 2007, 13:21 Czesciowo temat by kontynuowany w wtku gartley222, ale od prawie misica nie ma w nim nowych wpisw, mj by ostatni. Nie wiem jaka jest tego przyczyna, czy strategia HT nieskuteczna, czy za trudna , czy inna przyczyna. Dla mnie to rwnie nowy temat chociaz dzieki niemu moje konto real przestao topnie( pewnie rwnie przez to ze drastycznie ograniczya sie liczba transakcji). W sumie mam te same pytania ktre postawi nievinny a szczeglnie to jak scisle trzyma si wzorcw i czy wymagana jest aptekarska precyzja. Dla zainteresowanych polecam geometrie fibonaciego Danielewicza, w kwietniu prowadzi wykad w Parkiecie. moe ktos na nim by i moe sie podzieli opiniami Mam nadzieje e temat HT nie klapnie za szybko 02 maja 2007, 15:33 Polecam ksik quotHarmonic Traderquot S. Carneya. Dodam, e te formacje bardzo dokadnie okrelaja i jednoczenie potwierdzaj si bardzo ciasnymi poziomami stop loss. Wg mnie jest to w handlu najwaniejsze. Ciasny stop loss i bardzo niewielka strata w porwnaniu z tym, co moemy zyska to prawdziwy skarb. Do tego polecam obserwowa wiece. Jeli w potencjalnym momencie zwrotu zobaczycie si kupujcychsprzedajcych to mona miao wchodzi Ja osobicie jestem zachwycony tymi formacjami wanie z powodu ciasnych stop lossw. Dla osb takich jak ja, ktre nie ryzykuj zbyt wiele jest to bardzo fajna sprawa. Dodatkowo sprawdzalno tych formacji wynosi podobno a 80-90. Stop Loss rulez PD. nawet nie sdziem jakie zatrzsienie tych formacji wystpuje na wykresach naszej giedy. Tam s dopiero skarby 02 maja 2007, 19:47 A wic czas wysnu troch wnioskw: - czytaemquotgeometri Fibonacciegoquot - uwaam, ze wietna pozycja dla traderw - uwaam, ze formacje nie musz by ksikowe, w zalenoci od time frame moe by to od kilku do kilkunastu pips, ale wane s zgrupowania zniesie Fibo. - ostatnio zauwayem formacje na EURUSD, USDCHF, AUDUSD, wiem, ze frank jest wzorcowym przykadem do HT, ale oprcz tych wymienionych moe s inne, ktre s bardzo harmoniczne No i teraz moja analiza (pierwsza z HT, wic nie krzycze. Fran uformowa cakiem adn formacj Bearish Butterfly, w dodatku fala CD zatrzymaa si na zgrupowaniu 4 poziomw Fibo. Wejcie po cenie 1,2180 i czekanie co dalej. Moim zdaniem cena powinna doj przynajmniej do poziomu punktu B, czyli 1,2100, a moim zdaniem znaczcym wsparciem jest poziom 1,1992 czyli lokalny doek i poziom punktu A. Jeli jest to kontynuacja trendu spadkowego to zakadam spadek przynajmniej 2x XA czyli do poziomu 1,1922 PS przepraszam za quotzawalonyquot wykres, ale jeszcze pracuje nad przyjrzystymi analizami tego typu Zaloguj si (lub zarejestruj), aby zobaczy pliki zaczone do tego postu. 02 maja 2007, 20:01 Dziki xeo:) To, co zobaczyem robi wraenie - jak na pocztek) quotI trade what I see not what I thinkquot 02 maja 2007, 20:41 wyglada to na buterflaja, a ze franek chodzi harmonicznie kolejny przykad. Zniesienia wewntrzne fal ktre oznaczyem 1234 wypadaja kolejno jako 38,2, 50, 61,8 i 78,6 stosunkowo w wskim obszarze ok 10 pips co jak na interwa dzienny chyba jest niezym wynikiem, zreszta tak naszy na siebie e prawie nic nie wida dlatego proponuj zmierzy sobie samemu. Pozatym zniesienie zewnetrzne fali XA 161,8 wypada rwnie w poblizu tego obszaru a jest to kracowa warto do ktrej ta fala moe sie w formacji buterfly rozwija. Oczywiscie ten scenariusz nie musi sie sprawdzi chocia mam pewne podejrzenia i mam ku temu ma przesank ale musze ja jeszcze sprawdzi. jeszcze jeno co zauwayem to e jeli franek dojdzie w rejon ktry oznaczym jako potencjalne D to fala CD bedzie miaa 200 AB, sprawdzcie sami. Zaloguj si (lub zarejestruj), aby zobaczy pliki zaczone do tego postu. Ten towar jest dostpny w naszych sklepach Moesz kupi ten produkt bez skadania zamwienia internetowego w jednym z naszych sklepw w Twojej okolicy. Sprawd w ktrych punktach produkt jest dostpny od rki. Kup na raty Kup na Raty od 2,74 z miesicznie mBank mRaty bez wychodzenia z domu. atwo i szybko jak zakupy przez internet. Dostpne dla zakupw o cznej wartoci od 300.00z do 20000.00z Nota prawna Reprezentatywny przykad dla poyczki mRaty: oprocentowanie nominalne zmienne 10 w skali roku cakowity koszt kredytu 163.28 z (w tym prowizja za udzielenie kredytu 5 od cakowitej kwoty kredytu) cakowita kwota kredytu 1600 z rzeczywista roczna stopa oprocentowania kredytu wynosi 23.19 czas obowizywania umowy 10 miesicy cakowita kwota do zapaty 1763.28 z 10 rwnych rat miesicznych w wysokoci 175.80 z. Sporzdzono w oparciu o informacje wasne z dnia 29.02.2016 r. O umow o poyczk mRaty udzielon jednej osobie w mBanku moesz wnioskowa elektronicznie - przez internet. Przyznanie poyczki mRaty zaley od oceny Twojej zdolnoci kredytowej przez mBank SA. Jeli wnioskujesz o poyczk mRaty przez internet i uzyskujesz dochd z tytuu umowy o prac umowy o dzieozlecenie kontraktu zawodowego lub emerytury bdziesz musia dostarczy dokumenty dochodowe. O wymaganych dokumentach i sposobie ich dostarczenia mBank poinformuje Ci mailem po podjciu wstpnej decyzji kredytowej. Jeli rodki z poyczki mRaty maj wpyn na rachunek sprzedawcy w innym banku przelew moe zosta zrealizowany nawet w 15 minut od momentu elektronicznego podpisania umowy o poyczk mRaty zgodnie z zasadami realizacji przelewu ekspresowego zamieszczonymi na stronie mBank. plzasady. Szczegowe informacje w tym warunki i opaty zwizane z poyczk mRaty s okrelone w: Taryfie prowizji i opat bankowych dla osb fizycznych w ramach bankowoci detalicznej mBanku S. A. dostpnej na mbank. plpobierzoplatytaryfa-osobyfiz. pdf Regulaminie udzielania mPoyczki dla osb fizycznych w ramach bankowoci detalicznej mBanku S. A. dostpnym na mbank. pldownloadmkredytymkredytyregulamin-mkredyt. pdf Niniejszy materia nie stanowi oferty w rozumieniu kodeksu cywilnego i ma charakter wycznie informacyjny. Podaj dane kontaktowe, a my damy Ci zna kiedy towar bdzie dostpny Faut-il utiliser plusieurs timeframes en trading forex. Rdig par Forexagone Beaucoup de nouveaux traders font souvent l39erreur de se baser sur de multiples timeframes (uniteacutes de temps) pendant qu39ils recherchent les opportuniteacutes de trading rentables sur les graphiques de leurs plateformes de trading. C39est une erreur qui peut mener agrave des pertes importantes et inutiles. La discipline et la patience sont des composantes cleacutes qui font d39un trader, un gagnant sur une uniteacute de temps bien preacutecise. Quelques traders creacuteent des strateacutegies de trading diffeacuterentes adapteacutees agrave chaque timeframe particulier, ce qui est mieux que de confondre les mecircmes timeframes sur une mecircme strateacutegie de trading. La principale raison qui explique le fait que les traders sont geacuteneacuteralement perdants lorsqu39ils sautent d39une uniteacute de temps agrave l39autre est qu39une paire de devises peut montrer une tendance marqueacutee sur une uniteacute de temps particuliegravere, une autre uniteacute de temps supeacuterieur ou infeacuterieur donnera quant agrave elle selon certains indicateurs techniques un mouvement tendanciel contraire, par conseacutequent les traders ne savent plus vraiment dans quel sens du marcheacute se positionner et prennent des deacutecisions contraires agrave leur strateacutegie de trading et agrave l39uniteacute de temps de base sur laquelle celle-ci est le plus adapteacutee. Une fois qu39une opportuniteacute de trading potentiellement rentable a eacuteteacute repeacutereacutee sur une uniteacute de temps en accord avec la strateacutegie de trading, une plus petite uniteacute de temps peut toutefois ecirctre employeacutee afin de deacuteceler le niveau de prix le plus approprieacute sur le marcheacute. Plus le timeframe est petit, plus le cours se deacuteplace rapidement, les uniteacutes de temps les plus eacuteleveacutees sont souvent utiliseacutees dans un but analytique, les uniteacutes de temps plus courtes servent quant agrave elles dans un but technique, agrave des fins d39entreacutees et de sorties du marcheacute. Il n39est pas rare de rencontrer des traders expeacuterimenteacutes utiliser deux uniteacutes de temps en tandem. A titre d39exemple, si vous speacuteculez habituellement sur la paire de devises majeure EURUSD avec un timeframe daily (quotidien D1), degraves lors qu39un signal de trading est repeacutereacute, vous pouvez alors jeter un oeligil agrave une uniteacute de temps infeacuterieure comme par exemple le H1 (uniteacute de temps horaire) afin de valider ou non le signal de l39uniteacute de temps supeacuterieure. En cas de signal d39achat sur le D1 vous pouvez par exemple immeacutediatement prendre position en H1 si le mecircme signal apparait ou bien attendre qu39un signal soit repeacutereacute sur cette uniteacute de temps eacutegalement si ce n39est pas le cas. Le tandem D1H1 est un simple exemple, les traders intraday ou adeptes du scalping peuvent se baser sur des uniteacutes de temps beaucoup plus courtes comme par exemple H1M30 ou M15M5. Articles sur le mme sujet Gold is Still Cheap in Real-terms - Real Gold Highs 2 Holy cow How about that gold price this week With the Ancient Metal of Kings powering to awesome new bull-to-date highs, gold traders are rejoicing. The Bernanke Feds reckless decision on Tuesday to shove the ailing US dollar off a cliff has really ignited a fire under international gold investment demand. 725 gold is indeed remarkable to behold. It is a great blessing for us battle-hardened contrarians who were buying gold back in 2001 in the sub-300 range when even mentioning gold in public triggered endless ridicule. Vindication, especially since it has been accompanied by legendary profits and rapidly multiplying wealth, has never been sweeter. Forging over 725, gold has truly entered a lofty rarified-air realm where it has seldom tread. In fact, prior to this week, gold only closed above 725 Federal Reserve Notes per troy ounce one other time in all of history From January 16th to January 22nd in 1980, gold managed to close above 725 for five consecutive trading days. The fourth day of this span, January 21st, witnessed golds all-time closing high of 850. Until this week, over 27 years later, gold never again closed over 725. So with this metal now at its sixth-highest closing level ever in US-dollar terms, the mainstream financial media is weighing in. The same pundits, analysts, networks, and publications that swore sub-300 gold was a terrible investment six years ago are convinced golds latest highs are unsustainably extreme. They argue that it is foolish to buy anything at 27-year highs and even that a gold bubble is due to pop. But just as they were mistaken about gold under 300, odds are they are as equally wrong today. Wall Street has never liked gold because it thrives when general stocks languish in secular bears. competing for investment capital. Governments have never liked gold because it exposes their endless fiat-paper inflation schemes. So it is no surprise that the same establishment that was hyper-bearish on gold every step of the way from April 2001s 256 to today still loathes this metal. While golds bull still looks young today in fundamental terms due to global demand growth far outpacing global mined-supply growth, now I want to focus on a technical argument. Although there is no doubt that gold now sojourns at lofty levels in nominal terms, due to the Feds perpetual inflation there is just no real comparison between January 1980 and September 2007. Back in early 1980 at the end of the last secular gold bull, the US dollar was worth a lot more. If you were old enough to buy anything back then, you know exactly what I mean. New houses averaged 76k. The median US household income was under 18k. The average new car price was less than 6k. A candy bar cost just a quarter. It was a radically different world in price terms compared to what we face today in autumn 2007. Prices rise over time simply because the Federal Reserve creates too much money out of thin air. If the money supply rises faster than the actual pool of goods and services on which to spend it, prices rise. Relatively more dollars compete for relatively fewer goods and services, bidding up prices. This is the true definition of inflation. which is exclusively a monetary phenomenon. Between January 1980 and today, the US MZM money supply ballooned by 9.1x Of course the US economy grew too, but nowhere close to as fast as the Fed ramped the money supply. So prices had no choice but to climb much higher over the last few decades. Even the US Consumer Price Index has climbed 2.7x higher since gold last traded above 725. So comparing 1980 to 2007 in nominal, or non-inflation-adjusted, terms is irrational and illogical. Thus the financial medias hysteria surrounding this weeks 27-year gold highs, although technically true in nominal terms, is incredibly misleading. 27 years ago 725 went a whole heck of a lot farther in terms of purchasing power than it would today. Straight nominal price comparisons across such vast gulfs of time are an apples-to-oranges kind of thing, totally useless. They make as much sense as you trying to live on your 1980 salary in todays world. Odds are youd be living in a cardboard box and eating cold ramen While nominal comparisons across decades are meaningless, real (inflation-adjusted) ones paint a far more accurate picture. This weeks gold highs need to be considered in real terms. adjusted for the tremendous inflation the Fed has unleashed upon Americans since 1980. When you look at gold in real terms, a radically different picture emerges. To adjust the daily gold price for inflation in this essay, I used the CPI. Yes, I hate the CPI. Yes, it seriously understates true monetary inflation since the government has huge incentives to lowball it. Higher CPI numbers mean higher government welfare payments and hence less funds for politicians pet projects. Higher CPI numbers mean more nervous stock markets and upset voters. Higher CPI numbers mean the US Treasury will have to pay higher interest rates to borrow. And higher CPI numbers shine unwelcome light on the devastating stealth tax of inflation insidiously and relentlessly eroding our savings. But despite the CPI being a total joke, it remains the most-widely-accepted inflation gauge among mainstream investors. If I used true monetary inflation in these charts, the gold prices shown would be much higher. But by using the CPI these gold prices are very conservative and these arguments will be much more palatable for mainstream minds. Even the hedonized CPI reveals incredible truths about prevailing real gold prices today. In all these charts this week, the real CPI-adjusted daily gold price is rendered in blue and complimented by key moving averages. Meanwhile the usual nominal gold price is rendered in red in the background for comparison. Of course the farther back in the past we delve, the greater the gulf between real and nominal gold. Also, as usual the data cutoff for this essay was Wednesdays close. So while I am marveling at 735 gold as I pen this on Thursday, these charts reflect Wednesday data. Well start with just our current gold bull, and telescope out from there to encompass longer periods of history. As of Wednesday, golds high in constant 2007 dollars was still below the real May 2006 high of 739. This is very amusing to me, as earlier this week when the media was trumpeting 27-year gold highs in real terms gold was merely at a 16- month high Talk about misleading. Since April 2001 this gold bull has powered 182 higher in nominal terms or 146 higher in real terms. Such returns are awesome in an absolute sense, but even more amazing in a relative sense. Golds gains since the early 2000s utterly dwarf those of the general US stock markets, which have largely ground sideways. And most of golds gains, until late 2005, came in conservative fashion via a moderate uptrend. Such persistently higher prices in the face of such mainstream hostility reflect overwhelmingly bullish underlying supply-and-demand fundamentals for this yellow metal. My flippant 16-month real-high scenario aside, in reality gold is pushing 19-year real highs as this next chart reveals. Gold last traded for sustained periods above 725 in todays dollars between 1986 and 1988. Now multi-decade real highs are certainly nothing to scoff at, but they are a far cry from the nearly all-time nominal-high scenario the financial media is promoting to scare investors away from this gold breakout. Back in late 1987, gold challenged 900 in todays dollars. Granted, the final months of that particular upleg were driven by the fear generated from the 1987 stock-market crash, but it still shows that gold can go higher than todays levels without the world ending. Interestingly in all of 1987 before October, gold averaged 805 in todays dollars. First heading over 725 real in August 1986, the metal remained above these levels until September 1988. And other than the October 1987 stock-market crash, a weird one-day mid-bull anomaly caused by the first widespread use of computer trading on a panic day, August 1986 to September 1988 was not all that remarkable. Yet real gold traded above todays levels for this entire span of time because these were the clearing prices where supply and demand met. With gold trading above todays levels for two solid years so recently, it really makes todays highs seem a lot less intimidating than the financial media claims. But real gold gets the most interesting when we look at the really big picture, since 1970. Once properly adjusted for inflation to make a legitimate apples-to-apples comparison, todays gold levels look positively low compared to the strong gold prices of the early 1980s. This real blue line, as opposed to the red nominal one, is the only rational way to view the gold price over such a long multi-decade span of time. Note that gold in constant 2007 dollars spent the better part of five years over 750 in the early 1980s In order to get anywhere close to hitting an all-time real high today, gold would have to rocket to nearly 2300 per ounce This, more than anything, puts todays gold levels in proper perspective. Gold may be high in nominal terms today, but it remains quite low relative to where its last secular bull gave up the ghost. It is also interesting to consider todays gold levels relative to the major secular gold highs of the past four decades. There have been seven of these highs, all of which are numbered above. For every secular high, the inflation-adjusted gold price is labeled in blue and the nominal one in red. While the gold price is certainly significant today, it is still only higher than one of these six secular real highs so far. Although this chart is pretty self-explanatory, that gold is not all that high today compared to a secular bull top, there are some interesting observations to consider. For example, note that it was near 750 real in 1979 when gold went parabolic and tripled in about 8 months. It is provocative that we are once again nearing the same real levels at which the last gold superspike started. On the other hand though, golds biggest slump of the 1970s also started near 750 real in late 1974. Ill discuss this further after the next chart. Before that though, I do realize 2300 gold seems impossibly high today. But we shouldnt underestimate the power of secular bull markets. Believe me, six years ago this month when gold was trading under 295, 725 seemed impossibly high too. Yet here we are. Long-term bull markets are governed by supply and demand. And since it can take a decade for gold miners to respond to high price signals by bringing new mines online, the gold price can go much higher and stay for much longer than most imagine. And incredibly, in some ways the all-time 2300 real high shown above is conservative. Of course the CPI is lowballed for political reasons, being reported as far below monetary inflation. As mentioned above, US MZM money has grown by 9.1x since early 1980. In order to witness such a gain over 27 years, an annual compound growth rate of about 8.5 is required. This should be much closer to true inflation than the 3.7 compound CPI growth required over 27 years to see it multiply by 2.7x. But the gold market is global, and around the world the broad money supplies for first-world nations generally average growth rates around 7 a year. This leads to a conservative estimate of 6.2x more paper money sloshing around the world today than in January 1980. Of course non-first-world countries often have much higher money-supply growth rates, which is one reason this 7 estimate is conservative. Meanwhile, all the mining in the world only manages to grow the global gold supply by about 1 a year. Provocatively this average has held for centuries due to the extreme difficulty of wresting gold from the bowels of the earth. This slow natural growth in global gold is why it has been the ultimate form of money throughout all of history. Since it cannot grow fast due to natural limitations, excessive inflation is impossible. At 1 growth annually over 27 years, todays gold supply should be 1.3x as big as 1980s. So we have a 27-year estimate in first-world fiat-currency-supply growth of 6.2x compared to 1.3x in global gold-supply growth. Dividing these numbers shows paper-money growth outpacing gold by 4.8x. So based on these assumptions there is 4.8x as much paper money floating around today per ounce of gold as there was in 1980. If you multiply the nominal 850 gold high of January 1980 by 4.8x, it yields 4000 per ounce Yes, the climax high of todays secular bull could briefly drive gold to such staggering levels. But even this may be conservative In early 1980, Asia was slumbering. Today it is awakening. Several billion people are industrializing and seeking to raise the standards of living for their families. This is fueling global commodities demand the likes of which the world has never seen. As these Asians grow more affluent, they are going to invest in gold. Unlike the West, Asia has a deep cultural affinity for gold (and distrust of paper money) that will never fade. And if a modest fraction of 3b Asians get excited and buy even small amounts of gold each, the potential mania highs in this gold bull are just unimaginable. So truly the 2300 CPI-adjusted gold price of January 1980 is conservative in many ways. And todays 725ish gold is so far below the stellar levels that ought to be seen at the next secular top that this bull can only be considered young. So dont let the financial media convince you that gold over 700 is an extreme event that is unsustainable. Nothing could be farther from the truth based on history. This final chart shows the famous 1970s secular gold bull in todays dollars. I believe it is useful as a general pattern, to illustrate the major stages that secular gold bulls go through. While our current bull isnt going to follow this technical pattern precisely, it should go through the same three major stages. Early on, gold is primarily bid higher because the predominant currency is being devalued. Only contrarians buy in Stage One as gold remains way out of popular favor. After some years in Stage One, Stage Two arrives. Investors start to notice gold rising and soon buy it for its own intrinsic fundamental merits. The sharp gold upleg in late 2005 likely marked the arrival of Stage Two in our current bull. Thus I suspect we are early on in Stage Two at this point, kind of like 1977ish in this chart. Eventually so many investors will buy gold that the general public becomes aware of its bull. Since there is no rush like a gold rush, the public will flood in to the market late in the bulls life. This popular speculative mania is what drives Stage Three. Gold shoots parabolic and ultimately climaxes in a vertical blowoff top. In the 1970s, this mania stage started in mid-to-late 1979 between 750 to 1000 real. Obviously the biggest gains of the entire gold bull by far happen during this brief mania stage. The key lesson here is that when gold is really ready to hit a secular top in our current bull, everyone will be enthralled by it. Housewives will be trading gold futures. Shoeshine boys will be offering tips on junior gold stocks. CNBC will report on nothing but gold all the time. At every social gathering, talk of gold stocks will be as popular as talk of tech stocks in early 2000. Obviously we are nowhere close to such a popular mania yet. I bet 19 out of 20 people on the street still have no idea that gold is over 700 again. Although gold ought to once again follow the general three-stage pattern in this chart, I dont think it is precisely transferable to our current bull. Sometimes people ask me if a slump like 1975 and 1976 is imminent or if we are on the verge of a blisteringly fast tripling in gold like in late 1979. I suspect neither is the case. Todays gold bull has a life of its own and is not a carbon copy of its 1970s ancestor. On the slump, our wonderful government had actually banned Americans from owning gold bullion between April 5th, 1933 and December 31st, 1974. But as usual when Washington operates outside the Constitution, most Americans ignored the confiscation order. In 1933 the only gold bullion Washington could seize was the gold kept in bank safety deposit boxes. Americans who held their gold bullion outside of banks almost universally ignored Franklin Roosevelts appalling theft of private wealth. So when 1975 rolled around, a lot of this underground gold bullion hit the market. Families had held their gold bullion for four decades and suddenly they could legally sell it in early 1975 just after gold had rocketed 419 higher in the early 1970s. There is no similar pent-up selling pressure today. And it wasnt easy for American investors to buy gold bullion in 1975 either. After 41 years of bullion being considered an Enemy of the State, coin shops were generally not selling low-premium bullion coins. Today buying gold is as easy as buying groceries, and the gold ETFs can even be purchased in a stock trading account. And central banks in the mid-1970s controlled a vastly larger proportion of above-ground gold than they do today. So their perpetual sales had a far greater effect in 1975 and 1976 than will ever be possible again. The nearly tripling of gold since 2001 despite the best that the central banks could throw at it decisively demonstrates that they are impotent. They are just collectively too small relative to the 80 of above-ground gold held by investors. The Information Age also argues against another mid-bull multi-year gold slump. Thanks to the Internet, the spread of financial-market knowledge is exponentially faster than it was in the 1970s. And if there is one thing that gets investors and speculators excited about deploying capital, it is rising prices. So higher gold prices should get more people interested in gold investment today a lot faster which greatly lessens the probability of a slump. And dont forget the arrival of hundreds of millions of new gold investors out of Asia today who had no capital in the 1970s On the popular mania and vertical blowoff, I think there is a high probability our gold bull will eventually enter Stage Three. But I believe it is some years off yet. Our current gold bull started in April 2001, only about six years ago. The 1970s one ran for nearly a decade before the public grew enamored with gold. Also, broader secular commodities bulls tend to run for 17 years or so in history. While todays various commodities bulls started at different times, at best we are now only one-third of the way into our current 17-year commodities-bull cycle. It is hard for me to imagine gold hitting a secular top many years before commodities in general. Only time will tell of course, but todays gold bull still looks relatively young. Real gold prices remain quite low compared to historical highs and gold is still largely ignored by mainstream investors. Most of the general public still doesnt even seem to know it exists. While gold will correct from time to time, a multi-year slump like the mid-1970s seems unlikely. And while gold will eventually go parabolic, it should be some years later in this gold bull after Stage Two fully runs its course. At Zeal we have been actively trading this gold bull since early 2001 when gold threatened to slide under 250. Although our physical gold holdings have thrived, our biggest gains by far have been in elite gold stocks. Gold stocks exhibit tremendous profits leverage to gold, soaring far faster and higher than gold could ever go. Fortunes have already been won in elite gold stocks, but if todays gold bull indeed proves to be young then we havent seen anything yet. Subscribe to our acclaimed monthly newsletter today to multiply your capital in elite gold stocks The bottom line is gold remains nowhere close to its last secular bulls real highs of early 1980. Despite what the financial media claims, it is just plain silly to compare nominal prices across decades. Once you adjust the gold price by the most lowballed and conservative estimate of inflation, 725 gold is just one third of the way to the 2300 Stage-Three mania highs witnessed in January 1980. And gold generally traded above todays real levels for the vast majority of the entire 1980s. Yet the world as we know it didnt implode. The fiat US dollar didnt hyperinflate, the US stock markets remained in a young secular bull, and the bond markets thrived. 725 gold is really not that big of deal historically and there is no doubt that it is quite sustainable. By Adam Hamilton, CPA So how can you profit from this information We publish an acclaimed monthly newsletter, Zeal Intelligence. that details exactly what we are doing in terms of actual stock and options trading based on all the lessons we have learned in our market research. Please consider joining us each month for tactical trading details and more in our premium Zeal Intelligence service at 166 zealllc. comsubscribe. htm Questions for Adam I would be more than happy to address them through my private consulting business. Please visit zealllc. comadam. htm for more information. Thoughts, comments, or flames Fire away at zelote115064122ealllc. com. Due to my staggering and perpetually increasing e-mail load, I regret that I am not able to respond to comments personally. I will read all messages though and really appreciate your feedback Copyright 2000 - 2007 Zeal Research ( ZealLLC. com ) Urbus looks to boost image Property company Urbus is talking up its future as a listed company as it gears up for its first appearance on the Stock Exchange on Monday. But it must shed the stigma of its time as a syndicator of properties, some of which faced lease expiries and falling valuations before being consolidated into Urbus to average out performance. Urbus director John Whitehead admitted the company had quota historyquot but it was trying to shake that off. quotTheres no doubt our background is undisputably there but the board is aware of the image. quot The fact the company was listing and now had four independent directors showed it was trying to change its image, Mr Whitehead said. But market sources suggested the real test would be whether Urbus could increase the volume of shares traded after a long run of thin trading during its time on the secondary board. Urbus will hit the main board with a net asset backing of 93c. Urbus is the product of the restructured portfolio of Waltus, which merged its 27 syndicated properties in 2000. With a portfolio of more than 50 properties worth 390 million, Urbus is gaining critical mass. But, as one investor pointed out, more properties meant more management fees. Since 2000 Urbus has appointed four independent directors and a new chief executive of Urbus Property Management, former general manager of commercial property at Auckland International Airport Murray Barclay. It sold a number of deadwood buildings with short-term leases that were bought for syndicate purposes through Waltus. After buying Waltus Syndicate companies and Waltus Syndicate special partnerships for 157 million last year Urbus became the countrys fourth-biggest property company by total assets, weighing in at 390 million behind Trans Tasman Properties, Kiwi Income Property Trust and AMP NZ Office Trust. Mr Whitehead said most Urbus investors at the moment were quotpeople who were drawn into the Waltus syndicate by financial advisers. quot He hoped the shareholder base would grow to include institutional support. Comments from our readers No comments yet Add your comment: USDCAD se dispara a mximos de 5 semanas por buen NFP a pesar de fuerte dato de empleo de Canad FXStreet (Barcelona) - El USDCAD ha protagonizado una fuerte subida de 100 pips tras la publicacin de los fuertes datos de empleo de Estados Unidos y Canad. aunque ha ganado el pulso el fuerte impacto causado por el vecino del sur debido a que la Fed est ms prxima que nunca a una subida de tipos en su prxima reunin. El par se ha disparado al mximo de 5 semanas, 1.3295, y an podra avanzar terreno, ya que sigue operando en torno a ese nivel, ms de un 1.0 por encima de su precio de apertura. Esta es la cotizacin ms alta conseguida por el USDCAD desde el pasado 1 de octubre, cuando lleg a 1.3320. El empleo crece con fuerza en EE. UU. y Canad Las nminas no agrcolas de Estados Unidos han registardo 271.000 nuevos empleos. mejorando en 91.000 la cifra esperada, que era de 180.000. La tasa de desempleo ha cado al 5.0, desde el 5.1 previo y previsto, obteniendo su porcentaje ms bajo desde abril de 2008, cuando tambin fue del 5.0. El dato canadiense de empleo no se ha quedado atrs en buenos resultados. En Canad se crearon 44.400 puestos de trabajo en octubre, muy por encima de los 10.000 esperados y de los 12.000 creados el mes anterior. La tasa de desempleo del pas ha descendido una dcima, mejorando previsiones, por lo que ahora se sita en el 7.0. El equipo de estrategia tcnica de Barclays Capital nos informa, a travs de eFXnews, que la fuerte subida vista tras los datos de empleo puede restablecer la perspectiva alcista para el par, enfocando a 1.3325 primero y a la zona 1.3460 despus. Mantente conectado Nota: Utilizando este portal acepta nuestra poltica de uso. 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FXStreet kein verifica la certeza o veracidad de las declaraciones o Denuncias de ninguno de los autores independientes que colaboran en la pgina. Todos los textos publicados Sohn Anfälligen de contener errores u omisiones. Las opiniones, noticias, informes, anlisis, cotizaciones u otras informaciones contenidas en FXStreet, producidas por el equipo de FXStreet, por sus colaboradores, socios, asociados o colaboradores tienen carcter de comentario general de mercado y en ningn caso constituyen un consejo o una recomendacin de inversin. FXStreet Declina cualquier responsabilidad Rechts por cualquier prdida o perjuicio incluyendo, ein ttulo enunciativo y no limitativo, prdidas o beneficios que puedan derivarse directa o indirectamente del uso de esta informacin o de la confianza depositada en ella. copy2016 FXStreet. El mercado de divisas Todos los Derechos reservados. : 15:43 : , 6,5 . 6,3 . 6,2 . . 1,0 , , 1,7. . 23,6 . , , , , . , , , . , -8,1 -17,6. , , 8,1 , , . 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Polecamy rwnie Forex 23.03.2015 8211 27.03.2015 . , , EURUSD 1.1041, . , ( ) . , , . , , . , EURUSD . GBP . ,. . 9 , - . , , , . , , GBPUSD 1.4640. . , - . . , , , . 171 187 2,6-3 2,3-2,7. , , , , , . ,. USDJPY - . . 2. , . . , 119.00. Aufrechtzuerhalten. Bardzo bardzo szary pocz8230tkuj8230cy. Przejd do profilu uytkownika Witam, quotzacz82308218emquot gra8225 na gra. onet. pl - za8218oy8218em swj pierwszy rachynek (jak kady 40 000 z8218) i teraz musz8482 co8250 kupi8225 - i w8218asnie nie wiem co. Prosz8482 o jak82308250 podpowiedz a i jeszcze jedno o co chodzi z tym quotwane do dniaquot. Z gry thanks i pozdrawiam. Przejd do profilu uytkownika brak grupy 05.10.2005 22:12 Opcje Kisiel18 napisa8218(a): gt Witam, quotzacz82308218emquot gra8225 na gra. onet. pl - za8218oy8218em swj gt pierwszy rachynek (jak kady 40 000 z8218) i teraz musz8482 co8250 kupi8225 - gt i w8218asnie nie wiem co. Prosz8482 o jak82308250 podpowiedz a i jeszcze gt jedno o co chodzi z tym quotwane do dniaquot. 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Gt Gt czyli po ludzku mowiac zlozenie w danym dniu sesji zlecenia ktore w gt tym dniu nie zostanie zrealizowane bez opcji quotwazne do dniaquot Gt zostanie usuniete i juz nie bedzie go w nastepnym dniu sesyjnym i gt trzeba go bedzie ponownie zlozyc. Gt Gt Gt a co kupic hmmm gt Gt poczytaj troche na forum parkietu. Gt Gt parkiet. comforumslist. page Kliknij, eby oznaczy8225 jako przydatne Przydatne Zg8218o8250 naruszenie Kliknij, eby zg8218osi8225 naruszenie casper Przejd do profilu uytkownika casper tu masz lekture obowiazkowa na poczatek :) casper Przejd do profilu uytkownika casper mKlient Przejd do grupy: mKlient 05.10.2005 22:41 Opcje casper napisa8218(a): gt tu masz lekture obowiazkowa na poczatek :) gt Gt Gt moja. bossa. pledukacja Kliknij, eby oznaczy8225 jako przydatne Przydatne Zg8218o8250 naruszenie Kliknij, eby zg8218osi8225 naruszenie oporek. Przejd do profilu uytkownika oporek. 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Recordamos que existe la posibilidad de perder una parte o toda la inversioacuten inicial por lo que no debe invertir dinero que no pueda permitirse perder. Se debe tener conocimiento previo de todos los riesgos asociados a la negociacioacuten de divisas y, en caso de que se tenga alguna duda, buscar la ayuda de un asesor financiero independiente. Las opiniones expresadas en FXStreet provienen de autores independientes que no necesariamente representan la opinioacuten de FXStreet o de su equipo directivo. FXStreet no verifica la certeza o veracidad de las declaraciones o denuncias de ninguno de los autores independientes que colaboran en la paacutegina. Todos los textos publicados Sohn Anfälligen de contener errores u omisiones. 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Mirosaw Mazurek Aldona Wierak ul. wirki i Wigury 14B, 17-300 Siemiatycze Copyright y copia 2007-2016 MAZUREK s. C. Created by WebProjekt Ta strona stosuje pliki cookies wicejMoving Average in Excel EASY Excel Tutorial Moving average in Excel calculate with formulas and display in How To Calculate Simple Moving Averages in Excel 2010 YouTube Moving Average What it is and How to Calculate it Example of moving average in excel Dow 25 year moving average, How to calculate weighted average in a couple of recent articles we have taken a close look at calculating average in excel. if youve been following our blog you already know how to calculate a normal average and what functions to use to find weighted average. in todays tutorial we will discuss two basic techniques to calculate moving average in excel.21 responses to calculating moving average in excel. Sample problemcalculate a fiveyear moving average from the following data setStep 1 type your data into two columns in excel. the first column should have the year and the second column the quantitative data in this example problem the sales figures. make sure there are no blank rows in your cell you dont have any more info it would be impossible to calculate the 5 year ma for 2011. you could get a two year moving average average represents the middling value of a set of numbers. the moving average is exactly the same but the average is calculated several times for several subsets of data. for example if you want a twoyear moving average for a data set from 2000 2001 2002 and 2003 you would find averages for the subsets 20002001 20012002 and 20022003. moving averages are usually plotted and are best visualized. averageoffsetb2countb2b1003031. Moving average what it is and how to calculate it was last modified january 8th 2016 by ating a 5year moving average example. I have 1000 numbers starting from 1 to 1000. i want average for every 3 numbers. say from 1 to 3 it should be 2. now my next number will be 4 to 6 then 7 to 10 and so on up to 1000 you have already created a chart for your data adding a moving average trendline for that chart is a matter of seconds. for this we are going to use excel trendline feature and the detailed steps follow ate and chart a moving ating average in excel average averageif averageifs. Do you mean a moving average inventory methodAnd now lets try to understand what this excel moving average formula is actually doing. 5m trading strategies, averageoffsetfirst cell0countrangen1n. Generally speaking moving average also referred to as rolling average running average or moving mean can be defined as a series of averages for different subsets of the same data thats all about calculating moving average in excel. the sample worksheet with the moving average formulas and trendline is available for download moving average spreadsheet. i thank you for reading and look forward to seeing you next weekPublished on mar 2 2012learn how to use excel 2010 to calculate simple moving averages in time series analysis. you can use this to predict future behaviour reduce variation and smooth data. I have face a problem. i want to create a sheet in excel where 1st day1st column contain daily score 2nd column contains ttl scoreand 3rd column contains average as same 4th6th column 2nd day as same 7th9th column. please replay me by mailwho are able to help to create average in excelHow to. calculate simple moving averages in excel is moving average Close the trendline pane and you will find the moving average trendline added to your chartI am trying to calculate the average of a given project for the last 4 weeks how can i do this since the cell will not always be next to each other. averageifbbb3aa. Calculating moving average for a certain time n is the number of the last days weeks months years to include in the 7 press ok. excel will return the results in the area you specified in step 6.averageifbb 42386aa the format trendline pane you click the trendline options icon select the moving average option and specify the moving average interval in the period box Forex moving average strategy winning trades with the forex moving average crossoverTo calculate average for column b for every 3 sets of to make an exponentiallyweighted moving average plot in excel is frequently used in statistics seasonallyadjusted economic and weather forecasting to understand underlying trends. in stock trading moving average is an indicator that shows the average value of a security over a given period of time. in business its a common practice to calculate a moving average of sales for the last 3 months to determine the recent. if you do not need to specify the details such as the moving average interval or names you can click design add chart element trendline moving average for the immediate average sales for the second subset of five years 2004 2008 centered around 2006 is 6.6mCalculating simple moving average in sure how to use this moving average formula in your excel worksheets the following example will make things clearer. Creating an excel moving average to. calculate a weighted moving average in excel moving average te suite for excel e 1. calculate moving average for a certain time period. I need your help on this please. i have column a with dates and column b with values which has both negative and positive values in it. i want to calculate average for a particular date from columb b. can you please help me on how to calculate average only for the positive values from column b. What is a moving averageSupposing b2 is the first number in the row and you want to include the last 3 numbers in the average the formula takes the following shape Moving averages how to use them and which ones to mean average sales for the first five years 20032007 is calculated by finding the mean from the first five years i. e. adding the five sales totals and dividing by 5. this gives you the moving average for 2005 the center year 6.4mI was working with a e excel file where i required to make a moving average of last 2 months data which were in different column i. ed3g2.Question how does one calculate a 4year moving average what year would the 4year moving average center onSample problem calculate the threeyear moving average in excel for the following sales data 200333m 200422m 200536m 200634m 200743m 200839m 200941m 201036m 201145m 201256m 201364m.50day 200day moving average e 3. get moving average for the last n values in a row. The average sales for the third subset of five years 2005 2009 centered around 2007 is 6.6mYou can use average indirect brows b1b132browsb 1b13.20period moving average i use average function then it will do average for 1 to 3 then 2 to 4 then 3 to 5. it is not meeting my calculate average for column b for every 3 sets of is moving averageStep 2 calculate the first threeyear average 20032005 for the data. for this sample problem type b2b3b43 into cell ntial moving average. Do options trade on expiration day

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